Khan Academy is offering free SAT study prep, tailoring practice tests to your PSAT scores. |
PSAT— This test can be taken again junior year to qualify students for consideration as a National Merit Scholar and other scholarship recognition opportunities.
SAT/ACT—Many college bound students will take this test for the first time as juniors, usually in May. The SAT and ACT are the primary tests used by four-year college for admission and placement into writing and math courses. Taking the SAT may also allow students to be eligible for scholarship opportunities.
SBAC - This test will be taken by juniors towards the end of their junior year. For more information, click here:
SAT/ACT—Students going to a four-year college must take at least one of these tests. Many students take either test more than once to improve their score.
COMPASS— This community college placement test is a good measure of student progress toward college readiness. Students must take this test before enrolling in community college classes. This test is administered at Warrenton High School.