Work Session - District Core Values and Visioning

Work Session - District Core Values and Visioning
9/4/2019, 6:00 PM 7:30 PM
WHS Library, Warrenton High School-1-Library (100)

1. To my knowledge, the district has not undergone a visioning and strategic planning process in several years. With new district leadership, the timing seems right. 

2.  On a more practical note, the additional revenue Oregon school districts anticipate receiving from the corporate taxes prescribed by HB 3427 (the Student Success Act) will only be available to districts that have a current Strategic Plan (SP) and a Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) on file with ODE (and available to the community) by November 1, 2019.

As such, I am proposing that we use the next 3 months to clarify our district' core beliefs, to craft resonant vision and mission statements, and ultimately produce the SP and CIP as required by state law.  I'd like to use work sessions in August, September, and October to accomplish this work.

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